Bioengineering and Biomanufacturing

For those students considering a career in research, an undergraduate research experience is a great place to start. The program provides students the opportunity to work side by side with RPI faculty and graduate students to investigate a broad range of important and interesting problems at the forefront of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering. Not only do students gain valuable hands-on experience, they also have the opportunity to see first hand some of the world-class research under way at RPI and find out how discoveries made here benefit society. During the summer research experience, participants make short progress presentations to their peers during program meetings, attend presentation skills workshops, make a formal poster presentation of their research experience at the end of the program, and submit a written final report describing the results of their research. Many students go on to present their results at national and international conferences and publish them in scientific journals.

Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Biology
Research university
Renssalaer Institute of Technology
  • The UOREU provides closely mentored cutting edge research projects in a rich active learning environment for interns. Student interns receive research training in methodologies presentation critical thinking and experimental design. The scientific focus of the REU Site is in molecular biosciences. Program features include training in responsible conduct of research graduate school counseling training in oral and written scientific communication accessing processing and evaluating scientific literature and informal and formal presentation of research outcomes. Weekly professional development workshops, research group discussions, faculty seminars, and oral and written progress reports provide rigorous preparation for graduate school and careers in research. Professional and social interactions with active researchers at all levels are offered.
    molecular biology, biochemistry, molecular neuroscience, molecular evolution, microbiology, developmental biology, genomics, structural biology & biophysics, bioinformatics, molecular genetics, cell biology, and computational biology
    Research university
    University of Oregon
    1st Monday in June
    end of 1st week in August (10 weeks)
  • Since 1992 Blandy has provided opportunities for undergraduates to carry out ecological, evolutionary, and environmental research. Students learn to formulate testable hypotheses about important questions and develop skills in experimental design, data collection, analysis, and critical reading of primary scientific literature. Students also learn to communicate scientific their findings.
    Ecology, Evolution, Plant-Insect Interactions, Pollination Biology, Aquatic Ecology, Invasive Species
    University of Virginia
  • Interns in the Plant Genomics @ MSU REU program will be embedded within a host lab and undertake a 10-week mentored research project under the direct supervision of a faculty member together with either a postdoctoral associate or graduate student mentor. Interns will participate fully in host lab events, including group meetings and activities with the aim of simulating life as a new graduate student. In addition, interns will attend seminars and networking events with MSU faculty and graduate students that will introduce them to diverse research projects and provide information regarding life in graduate school and careers within STEM. Interns will also attend a series of workshops designed to advance their professional development including, responsible conduct of research and research ethics, presentation skills, scientific writing, and GRE test taking strategies. Several social events will also be held that will facilitate interactions between faculty, graduate students and interns in plant sciences and with other internship programs that run concurrently with the Plant Genomics program. During the final week of the program, interns will present their research in poster format at the annual MIDSURE conference at MSU and also give oral presentations to the MSU plant science community.
    Genomics, Bioinformatics, Genetics, Plant Biology
    Research university
    Michigan State University
    East Lansing
  • Fundamental and applied science of exotic and novel materials • Next-generation electronics that move toward a new generation of low-power-dissipation high-density electronics • Injection and detection of spin-polarized electrons in silicon or graphene •Growth and characterization of complex oxide multilayer structures for possible computer memory applications.
    Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Research university
    The Ohio State University
  • Selected participants will work on research projects that address fundamental questions related to the chemistry of health and catalysis in chemistry. Projects focus on the potential of research to benefit society both directly and indirectly in the fields of health care, forensics/criminology, energy, sustainability, and transportation.
    Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Research university
    West Virginia University
    Regular review will begin February 2, 2018 and will end upon all spots being filled.
  • 10 week research experience in genomics and computational biology
    genomics, computational biology, systems biology
    Research university
    University of Georgia
  • We offer research opportunities in a broad range of areas in physics, including a number of opportunities in theoretical and computational areas as well as experimental projects. In addition to working on their individual research projects, the students will also attend a seminar and discussion series, which will present overviews of a number of current research areas as well as initiate discussions on topics such as career paths in physics, ethics and integrity in scientific research, and scientific communication.
    Physics and Astrophysics
    Research university
    Indiana University
    February 16, 2018 (but applications are accepted as long as there are positions available)
  • The Danforth Center Summer Internship program exposes students to a rich research environment in a small, friendly institution with a welcoming atmosphere. We have created a program that gives students experience with all aspects of modern scientific research, from design to experimentation to reporting. At the same time, we provide insight into the personal qualities of a good researcher, the steps to take on the road to becoming a scientist, and the broader implications of scientific discovery. Students from universities across the nation are matched with a scientist who is a senior researcher at the Danforth Center. Interns participate in a diverse set of research areas including: Abiotic Stress, Bioinformatics, Cell Signaling, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Disease Resistance, Genomics, Metabolic Pathways/Engineering, Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry, Structural Biology and Tissue Culture. Throughout the 11 weeks, students will gain hands-on experience in the lab and learn the use of a variety of technologies for research, attend workshops in the Center’s state-of-the-art support facilities, including workshops in Integrated Microscopy, Mass Spectrometry and Bioseparations, Phenotyping and bioinformatics, and Plant Cell Culture and Transformation, participate in career pathway discussions with experienced researchers and take field trips to local universities and industries with plant or life science focuses, and attend weekly seminars on issues related to biotechnology. These discussions are planned to give students insight into the social, political, and economic implications of current research–and to allow them to voice their opinions, as well. At the end of the summer session, each intern will present a summary of his/her research before an audience of scientific peers. A brief written report is also required and students will be carefully guided through the process of preparation of the written report and oral presentation.
    Plant biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, bioinformatics
    non-profit research institute
    Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
    St. Louis
    $6050 stipend + $500 travel + $924 subsistence
  • Undergraduates interested in an in-depth summer research experience should consider the American Student Placements in Rehabilitation Engineering (ASPIRE) program at HERL. ASPIRE is a ten-week research program, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), that focuses on research in the rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology fields. In addition to full participation in an on-going research project, students write a project paper, develop a poster, and compete in an elevator pitch competition. The program concludes with Student Symposium where the winners of the best paper, poster, and elevator pitch are recognized.
    Engineering, Math, Computer Science, Rehabilitation Science, Exercise Physiology
    Research university
    University of Pittsburgh – Human Engineering Research Laboratories (HERL)
  • Our 10-week program introduces students to the nature of research-oriented careers in physics & astronomy, and fosters development of research-related skills and knowledge. Participants are matched with faculty mentors based on student interests. Weekly seminars, field trips and workshops provide students with additional skills development, professional development topics such as ethics and patents/intellectual property, and an introduction to common research resources. Many events occur in conjunction with concurrent LSU summer undergraduate science programs in space science, computational science, and biomedical sciences.
    Physics and Astronomy
    Research university
    Louisiana State University
    Baton Rouge
  • Exceptional undergraduate STEM students are invited to participate in a ten-week summer research program addressing fundamental materials issues related to the science and technology of renewable energy. Benefits include a $5000 stipend, on-campus housing, travel reimbursement, and financial support to present research results at an upcoming national conference.
    All STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields
    research university
    Colorado School of Mines
    March 1, 2018 (but applications are reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis)
  • Now in its 32nd year, the University of Notre Dame’s REU Program provides opportunities for undergraduate physics majors to experience hands-on participation in research in many areas of physics. The program gives you valuable research experience, to help you decide if physics research is right for you. You will work closely with faculty and graduate students on a variety of current research projects and benefit from a number of activities organized to enrich your experience. These include: weekly seminars, a course on computer programming, a GRE preparation course, ethics workshops, a workshop on applying to graduate schools, field trips to nearby national laboratories, and the REU Symposium where you will present the results of your research. You will also maintain a logbook and write a project report. In addition, a variety of recreational and social activities are organized to make your stay with us “fun”.
    Astronomy/Astrophysics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Physics Education
    Research university
    University of Notre Dame
    Notre Dame
    $5,200 plus free on-campus housing and travel allowance
    nominally 40; but this is a “research experience” with no specified hours for work
  • REU Site is a nine-week, NSF-funded program to involve undergraduates in designing and conducting research on undergraduate biology teaching and learning with mentorship from faculty from the University of Georgia life science departments and College of Education. The goals of the program are to develop undergraduates’ knowledge and skills in biology education research, encourage undergraduates to pursue doctoral study of biology teaching and learning, expand the diversity of the talent pool in biology education research, and contribute to the development of theory and knowledge about biology education in ways that can inform biology instruction.
    biology education research, science education research
    Research university
    University of Georgia
    $4500 stipend + $750 food stipend = $5250
  • All research projects will focus on one or more aspects of scientific computation: numerical, symbolic, and data visualization.
    Astrophysics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Nuclear Physics, Statistics
    Primarily Undergraduate Institutions
    Ohio Wesleyan University
  • The grand challenges of the 21st century will require new and sustainable approaches to polymer materials development. Scientists will need to work in increasingly complex, interdisciplinary teams that address not only the technical challenges but also the environmental and global impacts of their research. The REU site at USM will develop sustainable approaches to polymer materials development to meet critical societal needs. Participants will be engaged in fundamental research projects that span the complex, interdisciplinary facets of materials sustainability, including polymer synthesis from renewable sources, materials with enhanced properties and lifetime, materials to improve utilization of natural resources, reduced energy polymer processes, and biodegradable materials, while gaining the tools to assess the environmental impact of new material development. The Polymer Science program at Southern Miss is a world-recognized leader in innovation of polymer, nanocomposite and nanoparticle research and development activities.
    Polymer Science & Engineering, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Computer Science
    Research university
    University of Southern Mississippi
  • The REU in Microbiology at The University of Iowa seeks to foster the careers of the next generation of microbiologists. We do this by providing an intensive 10-week research experience for bright and ambitious undergraduates who are considering a PhD in microbiology or an allied discipline. In 2018, we expect to support 8-10 participants. We hope that this experience will encourage students to pursue a career in basic science and give them the skills they need to succeed in that career path. The focus of the program is a hands-on research project conducted under the guidance of faculty and graduate student mentors. A range of research projects will be available, including basic mechanisms of bacterial and viral gene expression, virus structure and assembly, biofilm formation, microbial development, and prokaryotic cell biology. Students will also attend lectures to broaden their understanding of microbiology and educate them about graduate school and career options.
    Research university
    University of Iowa
    Iowa City
  • We have an exciting program that pairs undergraduate students with research mentors to conduct a project in the wide-ranging meteorology, climate, radar engineering, and interdisciplinary topics being researched in Norman, Oklahoma, at the University of Oklahoma and its partner institutions on the University Research Campus. In addition to research, we help our participants learn more about the many careers in and around meteorology to help them explore and find career options that might suit them well. We hold several workshops and have one-on-one mentoring to help our participants build skills needed to succeed. Our goal is to help them decide whether a career in research is for them. All students are supported to attend a national conference, and can choose from many possibilities including the American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) Annual Meeting, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, the American Indian Science and Engineering Society’s (AISES) regional or national conferences, and the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS).
    meteorology, climate, radar engineering, social sciences
    Research university
    University of Oklahoma
  • TECBio is an NSF-funded, 10-week, summer, REU program that provides a challenging graduate-level research experience in computational biology. In addition to performing cutting-edge research, TECBio students will also participate in other academic activities, such as classes, seminars, and discussions, while experiencing the various social and cultural activities available in Pittsburgh – America’s most livable city.
    Computational biology
    University of Pittsburgh
  • The Translational Ecology for Undergraduate program gives 10 students an intensive summer research experience in ecology. Students work with mentors on cutting edge topics of their choice while developing autonomy. They also engage in enrichment activities designed to foster critical reflection about science and its linkages to society.
    Research institution
    Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
  • We seek rising sophomores and rising juniors majoring in the life sciences for a Research Experience for Undergraduates program in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology of The Ohio State University. Participants in this program will address questions about evolutionary relationships among plants, microbes, or animals using leading-edge molecular biology and informatics techniques for massively parallel DNA sequence data. In addition to skills in research project design, data collection, and analysis, this program will focus on professional development of the students, including meetings with biologists in industry, natural resource management, and the Columbus Zoo.
    Biology; evolutionary biology, computational biology, genomics
    Research university
    The Ohio State University
    $525/week, plus room and board
  • The program consists of 10 weeks of full-time research, a research proposal process, a weekly seminar program, regular group meetings in their research labs, special workshops on career choices in the sciences, integrative research, ethics, and scientific communication. Lastly, participants will give a formal presentation at the end of the summer in the REU Summer Symposium.
    Cell Biology, Genetics, Genomics, Microbiology, Cancer Biology, Infections Disease, Stem Cell Biology, Neurobiology
    Research university
    University of Notre Dame
    South Bend
    The award consists of a $5,500 stipend and includes lab supplies, housing on campus, meals, and travel up to $500.
    usually 40
  • The CIMM Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) project is a nine- or ten-week summer program where students work collaboratively on topics related to advanced manufacturing and materials research. CIMM research addresses the scientific and technological barriers relevant to two broad classes of manufacturing methods: (1) Multi-scale forming and replication for high-throughput manufacturing and (2) 3-D Laser-based Printing for adaptive manufacturing. Students will be integrated into ongoing research projects in state of the art facilities in an environment of peer and inter-institutional mentoring and collaboration.
    Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
    Research university
    Louisiana State University
    Baton Rouge
    5/22/18 and 5/28/18
  • PRECS: Phenotypic Plasticity Research Experience for Community College Students is an opportunity for 10 community college students to conduct research for 10 weeks during the summer. PRECS is a collaboration between the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, located in Urbana, IL, and Parkland College, located Champaign, IL. The program will begin with a boot camp at Parkland College on topics ranging from specific laboratory methods to discussions of research ethics. Students will then join a research immersion program within a research lab at the University of Illinois in the area of phenotypic plasticity, the phenomenon of a single genotype producing multiple phenotypes depending on environment. Possible research projects include but are not limited to the interaction between genotype and ozone pollution on maize growth, the effect of environmental stress on neuroanatomy, and the interactions of genes and environment on fish behavior. Students will present their research at their home community college as well as at an undergraduate research symposium on the University of Illinois campus.
    biology: cellular and molecular biology, genetics, neuroscience, plant biology, entomology, crop and soil biology
    a research university and a community college
    Collaborative: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Parkland College
  • Materials science is the enabling technology behind everything from modern electronics to fashion, safe and recyclable packaging, faster and fuel-efficient vehicles, novel energy generation and storage, aerospace propulsion systems, affordable housing, medical engineering, sensors, nanotechnology, and micromachines. One of the most exciting directions in science and policy-making is sustainability, with its emphasis on energy conservation, storage, and renewable production. The objective of this Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program at Boise State University is to provide an intensive research-team experience with state-of-the-art facilities while exploring activities within the theme materials for society. Mentors from various disciplines work with students to develop skills needed to excel in academic and industrial research environments, where interdisciplinary teams are standard. Students ultimately present their results at the annual state-wide research conference.
    Materials Research
    Research university
    Boise State University
    2/15/18 (priority deadline)
  • The program goal is to enhance student’ learning experience in “Systems Biology” and stimulate their appetite for graduate studies and careers in STEM disciplines. This research training will occur at Department of Biological Sciences located on campus focusing the areas of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and bioinformatics. This program will introduce the students to Responsible Conduct of Research, followed by problem-based research. Examples of independent projects include 1). Determine molecular responses for cross-tolerance mechanism in plants for various abiotic, and biotic stresses 2). Unravel the disease pathways and networks in model organisms via molecular and cellular studies 3). Bioinformatics to predict and network model for transcript and protein interactions. The emphasis will be to recruit at least half of the participants from institutions that have limited research facilities and students belonging to under represented minorities. The application forms are available on The candidates will be shortlisted based on Skype interview by the panel and the selected candidates will be notified before April 30.
    Comprehensive university
    Florida A&M University
  • The goal of the summer program is to introduce students to the excitement and importance of research in chemical biology through a mix of educational and research activities. Students will choose from among several interdisciplinary projects and will be co-mentored by faculty in Chemistry and the School of Medicine. Students will be assigned to individual research groups and will broaden their horizons though a variety of experiences including attending seminars given by VICB faculty working across disciplinary lines, participating in a research poster session, and participating in weekly discussions on topics important to modern research.
    Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Biology
    Research university
    Vanderbilt University
  • This REU Site focuses on research at the intersection of biology, physics, and engineering and serves as a glimpse of what graduate school at a large research institutions is like. During the 10 weeks, the REU site will provide undergraduates with hands-on interdisciplinary research experiences and a series of workshops and other enrichment activities to develop communication skills, understanding of ethical conflicts that scientists face, and clarify the PhD and MD/PhD application processes. REU participants are co-housed on Yale’s campus and some social activities are also provided. The program is a great fit for those interested in pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD, and being exposed to interdisciplinary research and researchers from different fields.
    Biology, Physics, Engineering, to study problems in the life sciences
    Research university
    Yale University
    New Haven
  • All participants will carry out research under the supervision of active research faculty on a well-defined interdisciplinary problem in environmental, materials, or biological chemistry in the department of Chemistry at The University of Alabama. The program is enhanced by weekly seminars on ethics, research techniques and other topics of interest.
    Research university
    University of Alabama
  • This REU program offers students an opportunity to perform cutting-edge physics research in our department. We focus on experimental and/or theoretical research in the areas of atomic and molecular physics; high energy physics; biological and soft matter physics; physics education research; and cosmology. As a student in our program, you will be paired with a faculty research mentor. Furthermore, about 2-3 hours per week will be spent in a classroom setting, where faculty members will describe the physics behind your project and your peers’ projects as well. For 1-2 hours per week, Bruce Glymour, Professor and Head of Philosophy and Amelia Hicks, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, will lead discussions of ethical issues in physics, including case studies of some famous ethical violations in recent years. You will develop a web page on your project, and give regular updates on your research to your fellow student researchers. Your project will culminate in an oral or poster presentation summarizing your research project, and in the creation of a web page summarizing your experiences. We will organize social activities with other REU groups on campus. In past years, we have had dinner at mentors’ homes, ice-cream socials, canoe trips, and other excursions.
    Research university
    Kansas State University
    Rolling admissions begin 2/15/18
    $5,450 plus $750 travel stipend
  • Each of CURE’s fundamental science research projects strives to light the way toward breakthrough technologies for tomorrow’s clean energy solutions: Fuel Cells and Batteries — design and synthesis of membranes and polymers for enhanced ion transport; theoretical modeling; fabrication of fuel cells and batteries Photovoltaic Devices — design and synthesis of molecular structures with enhanced exciton lifetimes, charge transport, and mobility; directed molecular assembly, fabrication, and analysis of devices Cellulosic Biofuels — chemical and biological conversion of recalcitrant biomass to liquid transportation fuels.
    Renewable energy in: chemistry, physics, materials science, biology or chemical engineering
    Research university
    University of Massachusetts at Amherst
  • This interdisciplinary REU Site Program at the Sevilleta Field Station in central New Mexico will train undergraduate students who will conduct independent research under the guidance of UNM faculty in Biology, Ecology, Civil Engineering, and Earth and Planetary Sciences, along with scientists from Federal and State agencies. The summer program includes a seminar series, a weekly journal club, an annual symposium, professional development workshops, public speaking, ethics training, field trips, and opportunities to interact with a multitude of scientists conducting research in the area. Students will conduct independent research in and around the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR) and present their projects at the annual symposium to be held in early August 2018. Working at the Sevilleta Field Station and SNWR site invites close interactions among students, faculty, federal scientists, and graduate students. Students will have numerous opportunities to share ideas and explore issues within and across disciplines. The program’s goals are to (1) provide students with a high quality independent research experience, (2) expose students to a large, multidisciplinary research program, (3) inspire students to continue into professional careers, and (4) prepare students for the rigors of graduate school, professional research, and responsible citizenship. The program exemplifies the integration of research and education. As students conduct research, they will learn how to be independent scientists, and they will gain experience dealing with many technical, methodological and ethical issues that arise in scientific research.
    Desert Plant Ecology, Geology, Insects, Birds
    Research university
    University of New Mexico
    $5500.00 and $500 food allowance
    usually 40
  • Students participate in projects ranging from membrane biochemistry to bio-inspired materials synthesis all geared toward solving important problems in biology.
    Chemistry, Biochemistry
    Research university
    Worcester Polytechnic Institute
    3/1/2018 (afterwards rolling)
  • During your stay at Kansas State you will spend 10 weeks doing cutting edge research under the supervision of one of the faculty members in the department. You will learn how to use advanced chemical analysis instrumentation, how to write a short scientific paper, how to present your work at a scientific meeting, learn about the importance of ethics in science and about the nature of scientific inquiry. In addition there will be time for fun trips, bowling, ice cream and pizza parties with other students interested in science.
    Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Research university
    Kansas State University
  • The Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University is offering a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program during the summer of 2018. Through this REU program, students will have the opportunity to work on a research project related to solving one of the Grand Challenges of Engineering for the 21 century. The Grand Challenges of Engineering are fourteen complex tasks aimed at ensuring the resiliency and the sustainability of the world’s population and of future generations. These challenges include vital objectives such as: reverse-engineer the brain, make solar energy cost-competitive with coal, engineer better medicines, provide access to clean water, secure cyberspace, advance learning tools to deliver better education, among others. In addition to gaining technical skills and fostering creativity by conducting research with world-renowned researchers at the Pratt School of Engineering, participants will be enriched with a wide-array of enrichment activities designed to explore career opportunities in engineering, enhance science communication and writing skills, and expand your network through fun social activities with your fellow REU participants and other members of the Duke community.
    Biomedical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
    Research university
    Duke University
  • Learn how to conduct research with science and engineering faculty to discover new and innovative ways to address the global food-energy-water systems challenge.
    Chemistry, Biology, Food Science & Technology, Engineering, Environmental Science, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Agriculture, Physics, Medicinal Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Biochemistry, Green Engineering, Materials Science
    Research university
    Virginia Tech
    $5,000 (plus $2,000 for living expenses)
  • REU Site at the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Florida State University is dedicated to the study of photochemistry and photophysics – the events that take place upon the interaction of light with matter. This is an exciting area of science, with relevance to such important phenomena as information transmission and storage, sensing technologies, solar energy conversion, photodynamic therapy, photocatalysis, and photosynthesis. The REU experience covers a range of diverse research projects and techniques. The faculty guiding REU students are national and international leaders in their research fields. More information about the program can be found using the link to the REU website.
    Chemistry, physics, engineering
    Research university
    Florida State University
  • Over a decade ago, the first human genome was sequenced. The project cost $450 million and took over 10 years to complete. Today we can sequence a single human genome in a day for under $1,000 and we have moved way beyond the goal of revealing a single person’s DNA sequence! NGS tools have made this possible and opened a whole new world of scientific investigation. Scientists are using NGS technologies to explore every niche of the life sciences, from the microbiomes of patients with obesity to the cataloging of arthropod diversity in human homes. NGS tools are transforming the way modern biologists conduct research. Our future holds a world where all newborns are sequenced and researchers work with “pocket sequencers” that can deliver massive amounts of sequencing data in real time. Today’s science students require new skills and knowledge to effectively use this technology and its resulting complex data to answer tomorrow’s important biological questions. BIT SURE is your chance to learn how to tackle these “Big Data” grand challenges of our future.
    life sciences with a focus on next generation sequencing technology
    Research university
    North Carolina State University
  • This NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Site at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT), the University of South Dakota (USD) and South Dakota State University, provides undergraduate students a chance to conduct cutting-edge research focused on security printing and anti-counterfeiting technology. Counterfeiting is a growing issue in the U.S., posing serious economic, safety and national security concerns. The REU program is a multi-disciplinary program with research opportunities in Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Chemistry, Electrical/Computer Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science. • 10 week summer research program (May 29 – Aug 3) • Hands-on faculty mentored research • Technical and Professional Development Seminars • Social activities (including hiking, canoeing, barbeques) • Enjoy the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota
    Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Materials Chemistry, Electrical/Computer Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science
    SDSMT (Special: Engineering School), USD (Research University), SDSU (Research University)
    South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT), University of South Dakota (USD), South Dakota State University (SDSU)
    Rapid City (SDSMT), Brookings (SDSU), and Vermillion (USD)
  • In this program physics and engineering students may work with faculty astronomers to conduct research in a cutting edge field, or they may participate in designing and building the astronomical instrumentation that will support this astronomical research.
    astronomical research and astronomical instrumentation
    Texas A&M University
    College Station
  • Students are integrated into small teams of undergraduate physics researchers working closely with a faculty mentor, who nurtures their experimental, analytical, and communication skills. Students also experience physics in action by visiting regional facilities, where they interact with practicing physicists and learn how physics research addresses societally relevant problems.
    Primarily Undergraduate Institutions
    State University of New York at Geneseo
  • This REU Site award to the University of South Dakota, located in Vermillion, SD, will support the training of 11 students for 10 weeks during the summers of 2017-2019. The dates for 2018 are 29 May through 3 August. REU students participating in the Sustainable RIVER project will examine the functioning and management of the Missouri River as a lens through which to study complex, interdisciplinary systems. Through individual research projects with faculty mentors from USD’s multi-disciplinary Missouri River Institute, students will address the question of how invasive elements in the Missouri River and its uplands affect the sustainability of the river and the humans who depend on it. Students will also meet as a team weekly to integrate their knowledge gained from the individual projects to create a team project to address the question of how we can cultivate a more resilient Missouri River that meets the needs of multiple stakeholders and sustains diverse, functioning ecosystems. It is anticipated that a total of thirty students will be trained in the program. Active recruitment efforts will focus on Native American students, students in sustainability programs across the US, and students attending 2- and 4-year institutions in South Dakota. There will be an explicit focus in the Sustainable RIVER project on the critical pedagogy of place, where students learn how to live sustainably in places that have been disrupted while learning to recognize and address the causes of such disruptions. The Sustainable RIVER project will create student scientists who will become leaders in interdisciplinary research and leaders in creating a more sustainable society through their development of a multi-perspective, systems-thinking approach to understanding and addressing complex challenges.
    Sustainability, ecology, earth science, anthropology, Native American studies
    Research university
    University of South Dakota
    (usually 40) 40 hr/week
  • Students will be matched with a faculty researcher in the biological sciences, who will mentor the student through an independent research project. Students participate in weekly lunch seminars, ethics discussions and professional development activities for careers in medicine, biotechnology and research. Students present a poster at a capstone symposium.
    Biology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Biophysics
    Research university
    Brandeis University
    Waltham (greater Boston area)
  • Join an interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers at Binghamton University for a hands-on summer research and professional development experience. – Research with distinguished faculty from Chemistry, Physics, Materials, and Engineering Departments – Training in renewable energy generation and storage, scientific presentation, career development – Group social activities and networking
    Energy, materials, physics, chemistry, engineering
    Research university
    Binghamton University
    Applications will be accepted from February 1st until March 15th, 2018
  • A 10-week internship where students are exposed to all aspects of doing research. We emphasize the development of laboratory and research skills as well as technical communication. The research projects span three areas (1) Nanostructures for Energy (2) Nanostructures for Devices and (3) Biomaterials.
    Engineering, Material Science, Chemistry, and Physics
    Research university
    University of New Mexico, Center for Micro Engineered Materials
  • This program provides talented undergraduate students with hands-on research during the summer in the area of sensor technologies. The purpose of this program is to expose the students to real, in-depth research in the area of sensor technology and to motivate them to go on to graduate school.
    Sensor Technologies, Electrical/Systems Engineering
    Research university
    University of Pennsylvania
  • A ten-week research experience in physics and astronomy. We particularly encourage applications from women and minorities in the Four Corners states and Texas.
    Physics and Astronomy
    Research university
    University of New Mexico
  • students will perform hands-on research in biomedical and chemical engineering laboratories to diagnose and treat common diseases. Students will also travel to industries and attend a series of professional development workshops.
    Research university
    Washington State University
  • This program offers interdisciplinary research experiences at the forefront of the chemical sciences. Although our faculty research groups are grounded in “traditional” areas of chemistry (analytical, inorganic, organic, physical), most of their research projects cross boundaries between these areas. A unique aspect of our REU program is that all projects will involve collaboration between two or more research groups, including both experimental and computational researchers, drawing on UNT’s world-class resources in both instrumentation and high-performance computing.
    Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Computational Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
    Research university
    University of North Texas
  • The program “REU Site: Nano-, Bio-, and Quantum Photonics at University of Rochester” aims to create a well-defined pipeline to a career in photonics for REU participants. There is a particular focus on underrepresented demographics, undergraduates from colleges without strong photonics research programs, and community college students—all of whom might not otherwise recognize photonics as a possible career path. This program will engage participating students in the frontiers of photonics research in nanoscience, bioscience and quantum science while at the same time providing them with experiences to recognize the excellent career opportunities, both academic and industry based, available in photonics. The host department is the university’s world-renowned Institute of Optics, located in the Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. REU participants will benefit from the Institute’s Summer School, its Industrial Associates program, and its strong ties with the local Rochester photonics industry. Programming for the Nano-, Bio-, and Quantum Photonics REU is coordinated by the University’s David T. Kearns Center, home to a vibrant community of undergraduate summer scholars. REU students will spend nine weeks living with and learning among 60-70 other undergraduate researchers. You will conduct 300 hours of research under the guidance of one or more of the University of Rochester’s premier faculty members, attend several seminars and workshops that discuss in-depth research techniques, complex problems and finding unique solutions, as well as career opportunities and preparation. You will create academic presentations and present a final poster at the end of the summer. In addition, you will visit and enjoy the summer scene of Rochester, NY and spend time bonding with new friends.
    Optics, Photonics, Physics, Engineering
    Research university
    University of Rochester
  • The University of Colorado invites undergraduates to apply for a paid summer research experience for highly motivated students interested in solar and space physics. Students will come to Boulder, Colorado for 10 weeks to work on a research project with a mentor. The topic areas span the field of solar and space physics, from instrument hardware to data analysis to modeling of the Sun, the Sun-Earth system, the near-Earth environment, or the heliosphere.
    Solar Physics, Sun-Earth Connection, Space Weather, Climate Science
    Muliple: Research University, Federal Labs, and non-profits
    Multiple: Research University, Federal Labs, and non-profits
  • Hands-on experience working in the fields of environmental research and education on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay
    Environmental Sciences/Studies, Natural Sciences, Estuarine Ecology, Marine Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, Photobiology, Microbial Ecology, Marine Invasions, Plant Ecology, Molecular Ecology
    Smithsonian, SERC
  • The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics offers an opportunity for undergraduate students to participate in a 10-week intensive summer research program during the summer of 2018. Under the direction of our faculty, students will join a laboratory team to conduct research in modern biochemistry, with wide-ranging possibilities in structural biology, bioinformatics, molecular genetics, genomics, enzymology or biophysics. To complement the hands-on research experience, students will participate in weekly meetings in order to explore the diversity of research opportunities in this vibrant field and to learn effective oral and written presentation skills.
    biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics
    Research university
    Texas A&M University
    College Station
    10 supported by NSF funds; also possibility of institutional support for 1-2 additional participants
  • Students will engage in full-time research with faculty members investigating questions related to biological information flow, storage, and exchange is essential for understanding the cellular mechanisms of growth, development, and reproduction; interactions of organisms within populations; the interrelationships of organisms and the environment at the ecosystem level.
    biological sciences
    Undergraduate/Graduate Research University
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • The Penn State REU in Interdisciplinary Materials Physics is an National Science Foundation sponsored summer research experience for students from all across the country who are majoring in physics, chemistry, materials science, all branches of engineering, etc. who have an interest in theoretical, experimental or computational materials physics and/or interdisciplinary nano-materials research. This REU is jointly hosted by both the Physics Department’s NSF REU and the Center for Nanoscale Science (MRSEC) REU. Students will experience the challenge and excitement of a career in research by working closely with one of Penn State’s faculty members, together with graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in their research group. Reserarch topics span nanomaterials research, superconductivity, semiconductor physics, 2D materials physics, novel nano-materials synthesis, materials chemistry, 2D nano-material fabrication, and more. Students will have the opportunity to participate in machine shop training, attend seminars, learn about science careers, and participate in outreach activities including a trip to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, and share in the experience of presenting science demos to the public during Arts Fest Children’s Day which is hosted on Penn State’s Campus. Students will live together on campus, and have many opportunities for fun outside the research environment. The end of the summer culminates in a professional style undergraduate research symposium.
    Physics, Materials Science, Engineering, Chemistry
    Penn State University
    State College
  • The Computational Biology Summer Program provides meaningful summer research experiences to 10 undergraduate students and combines experimental, theoretical, and computational approaches with a focus on the intersection of the mathematical, computational, and biological sciences. In addition to the research experience, students receive computational biology training, professional skills development, and enrichment sessions geared towards broadening their understanding of the application of and issues surrounding scientific research. Faculty and post-graduate mentors guide the research projects and advise students toward further study and career development.
    Computational Biology, Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Ecology
    Research university
    Rutgers University – Camden
    40 hrs/week for 10 weeks
  • The DIMACS REU program supports interdisciplinary projects related to computer science and mathematics. Every student is matched with a Rutgers faculty member, who mentors the student’s original research. Every student works on a different project, based on the mentor’s interests. A small number of students spends the last 2 weeks of the program in Prague.
    Computer Science, Mathematics, Data Science, Bioinformatics, Statistics, Engineering
    Public Research University
    Rutgers University
  • The Center for Bio-mediated & Bio-inspired Geotechnics (CBBG) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) – funded Engineering Research Center (ERC) that is comprised of four universities (ASU, GTech, NMSU, UCD). The goal of the CBBG is to develop sustainable biologically-controlled and -inspired solutions in the areas of: • Hazard mitigation • Environmental protection and restoration • Infrastructure construction • Resource development We are seeking innovative, sustainability-minded, engineering and science undergraduate students in the disciplines of microbiology, biology, geochemistry, geology, civil engineering, plant science, soil science, geoenvironmental, engineering education, or related areas, to participate in this paid 8-10 week summer program. This Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program will immerse REU participants in technical research and expose them to the graduate school experience as a whole, and specifically within the scope of the CBBG. A broad scope of projects is available, and effort will be made to match student interests with the different projects.
    microbiology, biology, geochemistry, geology, civil engineering, plant science, soil science, geoenvironmental, engineering education, sustainability
    Research university
    Arizona State University (projects also available at partner universities: Georgia Institute of Technology, New Mexico State University, and University of California-Davis)
    Tempe (also Atlanta, Las Cruses, and Davis)
    AZ (also Georgia, New Mexico, and California)
    8 (2 at each CBBG university)
  • The Interdisciplinary REU Program at the University of Michigan provides students with a ten week research experience on projects that are relevant to protein structure and function. In addition to the research experience, students have an opportunity to participate in a journal club as well as weekly seminars that focus on ethical issues in science, scientific communication skills and the graduate school application process.
    chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, pharmaceutical sciences
    Research university
    University of Michigan
    Ann Arbor
  • The QESST Engineering Research Center offers undergraduates the opportunity to participate in solar energy research. Through work on the pilot line, students will: • have access to state-of-the-art facilities and gain experience directly relevant to industry, giving them the opportunity to demonstrate the commercial impact and relevance of their ideas by guiding them through the steps required to bring new ideas to commercialization; • bridge the gap between the typical “research” devices and commercial solar cells, allowing fabrication and analysis of technologies on commercial-size devices and commercial equipment; • work in a facility that allows new equipment or processes to be analyzed and assessed jointly with industry. Students will play a key role in this process. • partner with a local student participating in the Fulton Schools’ Solar Energy Research program. Examples of previously offered projects and their descriptions can be found on the program’s website.
    Sustainability; Electrical, Mechanical, and Chemical Engineering; Physics
    Research university
    Arizona State University
    $500 biweekly
  • The UWIN Undergraduate Research Program gives students an intensive research experience in urban water sustainability. Students from different disciplines (engineering, natural and social sciences) are placed with mentors at institutions across the nation. Students perform cutting edge, transdisciplinary research and participate in in-person and virtual skill building workshops and seminars.
    Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering, Sustainability
    Research university
    Colorado State University
    Fort Collins
  • The Ole Miss Physical chemistry Research Program seeks applicants for a summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program funded by CHE-1156713 and CHE-1460568. Ten non-University of Mississippi students who have completed their freshman year of college and who have not yet graduated can participate fully in the Ole Miss Physical Chemistry Research Program activities and work on a research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Student participants will receive a $5,000 stipend, a housing and meal plan for ten weeks, and travel assistance. Undergraduate student participants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. For more information, contact program director Dr. Nathan I. Hammer at
    Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Physical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry
    Research university
    University of Mississippi
  • Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB<sup>2</sup>) provides undergraduate students a chance to participate in industry-directed fundamental research opportunities in the fields of bioplastics and biocomposites. The students will gain hands-on experience with synthesis, processing, and characterization of biobased plastics and composite materials. During the program, the students will participate in a series of bioplastics short courses, have responsibility for an independent research project performed with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, and engage with leading industry experts from the Industrial Advisory Board of the CB<sup>2</sup>.
    STEM, engineering, bioplastics, biocomposites, sustainability
    Research university
    Washington State University, Iowa State University
    Pullman, or Ames
    WA, or IA
  • The Neural Systems Engineering Research Experiences for Undergraduate (NSE-REU) program provides talented undergraduate students from around the country with the opportunity to complete a 10-week research project under the direction of University of Minnesota faculty. Research projects relate to advancing engineering approaches to study and interact with the central and peripheral nervous systems, including topics in experimental studies using cutting-edge recording and stimulation techniques, computational modeling, and neurotechnology device fabrication. Through this program, students are also given a range of special opportunities to improve their research and professional skills and prepare them for graduate school. This program is funded by the National Science Foundation to support 8 undergraduates. If accepted into the program, students will select a research program from one of 20+ labs and be paired with a graduate student mentor on a research project doing original research.
    Neuroscience, Engineering
    Research university
    University of Minnesota
  • Since 1989, the University of Minnesota LSSURP has overseen and coordinated several life sciences programs, and is supported by the University of Minnesota Medical School. The programs begin with a joint orientation weekend, followed by participation in a 10-week research project under the direction of a University of Minnesota faculty mentor and numerous special activities focused on professional development as well as social interaction. The summer research experience concludes with a poster symposium and banquet in August. LSSURP has given students that have been underrepresented in the life sciences the experience and training that enhances their ability to pursue a career in research. This represents a long-standing commitment to increasing the impact and quality of life science research at the University of Minnesota, which is strengthened when there is diversity in our faculty and students.
    neuroscience, molecular biology, microbiology, pharmacology, biotechnology, agricultural
    University of Minnesota
  • The Fort Johnson REU program offers a 10-week experience of independent research, science communication, and career development focused on the multi-disciplinary theme of responses of marine organisms to environmental change. Interns will investigate impacts of anthropogenic and natural perturbations from the molecular to the ecosystem level using a variety of lab and field techniques.
    Marine biology, environmental change, ecological and evolutionary processes, organismal biology, microbiology, physiology, toxicology, biochemistry
    Comprehensive (Master’s level)
    College of Charleston
  • Wayne State University’s Summer Academy in Sustainable Manufacturing offers unique summer research experiences in the challenging field of sustainable manufacturing to local and national undergraduate students from two and four-year institutions. This is in response to the urgent need to create effective undergraduate research programs and experienced engineers in sustainable manufacturing, which is vital to the future design and manufacture of materials with minimal environmental, social, and economic impacts. Through advanced research projects, the site will introduce undergraduate students to the forefront of sustainable manufacturing research and provide students with the skills and pathways to pursue four-year and graduate programs so they can become knowledgeable and capable engineers in the manufacturing industry of the future.
    All disciplines welcome (focus on engineering)
    Research university
    Wayne State University
    2/16/2018 (rolling application review)
    $5000 and $500 for travel to and from Detroit, MI
  • The University of Michigan – CERN Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (UM-CERN REU) provides undergraduate students from around the United States an opportunity to conduct nine weeks of summer research with some of the world’s leading physicists at CERN in different research fields.
    high energy physics
    Research university
    University of Michigan
    Ann Arbor
  • Undergraduates and secondary school teachers interested in participating in a 10-week summer physics research program at Brigham Young University are invited to apply. There are exciting opportunities in a number of areas including optics (using lasers of all kinds including ultrashort pulse and UV lasers), computer modeling, plasmas, solid state and thin film science, acoustics, theory, and astronomy.
    Physics and Astronomy
    Research university
    Brigham Young University
  • The Field Museum REU program will train a cohort of at least eight students in biodiversity-related research in a 10-week summer program. Each participant will undertake an independent research project supervised by a museum scientist in a discipline such as taxonomy and systematics, phylo/biogeography, paleontology, molecular phylogenetics, or conservation. Students will experience biological diversity through the use of the museum’s collections in their research, and will be trained in project-relevant techniques and equipment such as the scanning electron microscope, various light microscopy set-ups, and equipment in the Pritzker DNA lab. A six-week course in phylogenetic systematics run concurrently with intern projects will provide a common theoretical framework for their research. At the conclusion of the summer students will present their research results to their peers and museum scientists at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Providing equal opportunity in biodiversity-related research is an important goal of the program.
    Evolutionary biology, botany, ornithology, zoology
    The Field Museum
  • Projects typically involve both field and laboratory work to provide interns a breadth of experience. Excellent laboratories in the new Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Plant Conservation Science Center will provide REU participants access to resources for research in ecology, soil science, genetics, reproductive biology, GIS, microscopy, population biology, geochemistry, isotopic analysis, and other areas of investigation. Applications now open for the Chicago Botanic Garden summer 2018 Research Experience for Undergraduates Program: From Genes to Ecosystems! Learn more about our program at which has information on program background, application process, and contact information. Interns work with a mentor to conduct an independent research project, participate in training and professional development programs, and present their results at a public symposium. Participants should be U.S. citizens who will be enrolled as an undergraduate in fall 2018. They will receive a stipend of $5,500 in addition to assistance travelling to Chicago. Room and board is provided in downtown Chicago. The application deadline is midnight Thursday February 1, 2018. The 10-week program starts June 11, 2018 and runs through August 17, 2018. We encourage applications from students at non-PhD granting universities and people that are under-represented in biological fields. Students can find more information and apply at, and questions can be directed to Thank You and we look forward to reviewing your application! Chicago Botanic Garden REU Program team
    Rare Plant Conservation, Restoration Ecology, Genetics, Population Biology, Pollination Biology, Reproductive Biology, Genomics, Evolution and Systematics, Soil & Fungal Biology and related fields
    Botanic Garden and Research University
    The Chicago Botanic Garden with partner institutions including Northwestern University Graduate Program in Plant Biology and Conservation
    . The application deadline is midnight Thursday February 1, 2018.
  • Our program includes individual research projects, overview talks in different areas of physics, weekly lunch meetings where students informally discuss their work, and final research presentations open to the entire department. Other popular components include information on graduate programs, physics GRE prep, and several field trips.
    Research university
    University of California at Davis
  • The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s research experience for undergraduates program, “Exploration of Marine Biology on the Oregon Coast” (EMBOC) offers fellowship opportunities for undergraduate students from both 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities to participate in ongoing marine science research at the University of Oregon’s marine lab during the summer months. In addition to conducting research at OIMB, students participating in the EMBOC program will participate in weekly professional development discussions and training sessions, social activities, field trips and marine biology seminars.
    Marine Biology, Cell Biology, Oceanography, Larval Biology
    Research university
    Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon
    10 (5 from 2-years colleges and 5 from 4-year colleges)
  • The Institute for Energy and Environment (IExE) at Drexel REU program consists of an intensive eight-week summer research experience in which each student will work closely with a faculty mentor and their research group within the energy and the environment team on a specific research problem. REU participants will learn the benefits of experiential learning through hands-on research projects, active discussion and feedback, reflection of pursuits, and awareness of how their effort fits into the broader scientific and engineering challenges associated with energy and the environment. There are eight broad research project categories ranging from the study of planetary and geological materials for resource recovery and discovery, novel materials for next generation energy storage devices, battery development and power generation, clean water and urban climate change (see webpage for detailed descriptions). Applicants will select their top five projects when applying based on their personal interest and scholarly fit, and those accepted typically get one of their top three choices. Participating students develop key learning tools, critical analysis, technical communication and research skills that will serve them throughout their careers.
    Engineering (all disciplines), Materials Science, Chemistry, Geology, Physics and similarly related science fields
    Research university
    Drexel University
    Review will start in February 2018, applications will still be accepted on a rolling basis after that point until slots are filled
  • The SSI is an 8-week internship. Interns perform original research with an advisor of their choice. They also take part in a curriculum of tours, lectures, and lab exercises on phylogenetic systematics, molecular techniques, biodiversity, evolutionary biology, global change, and other contemporary issues in the natural sciences.
    California Academy of Sciences
    San Francisco
    $3000 to $5000
  • Summer interns take part in an intensive summer training program to learn the use of a major research instrument, such as the following: Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Focused Ion Beam Microscope (FIB), and the Photoelectron Microscope (PEM). This REU summer program is eight weeks long and consists of seven weeks of full-time (40 hours per week) research, a week-long training course at the beginning of the program, and practical seminars throughout the summer. There are regular group meetings for participants to connect with one another and share their research, as well as a field trip to visit several local high-tech companies such as FEI Company, Intel, and Nike In-house Manufacturing. Participants will give a formal presentation at the end of the summer during the REU Symposium and write a research paper for possible publication.
    Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Environmental Science, Electrical/Computer Engineering, Mechanical/Materials Engineering, Civil/Environmental Engineering
    Research university
    Portland State University
  • This program offers research experiences to young scientists to make basic contributions to ecosystem science, computer science, and mathematics through team-based research and education in a diverse group of students seeking higher education and research experience in Eco-Informatics.
    Computer science, engineering, mathematics, ecology, earth sciences
    Research university
    Oregon State University
    Blue River and Corvallis
  • Clean Energy Bridge to Research (CEBR) is a summer research program from the Clean Energy Institute (CEI) at the University of Washington (UW). The program is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF 1559787) and UW’s Undergraduate Research Program partners with CEI to run the program. CEBR supports a select group of undergraduates and community or tribal college students and teachers to participate in authentic research in solar, energy storage, and grid technologies under the mentorship of UW’s world-class faculty and grad students. CEBR builds on the success of the now completed Hooked On Photonics REU program.
    Chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, materials science engineering
    Research Institute
    Clean Energy Institute- University of Washington
  • Our CIERA REU program provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to pursue an astrophysics-based interdisciplinary research project over the summer in collaboration with Northwestern University faculty in Astronomy, Applied Math, Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Science, Electrical Engineering, High Performance Computing (HPC) and Computer Science, and/or Physics, on a variety topics all connected to astrophysics. Projects use Northwestern’s Quest HPC Cluster, Fermilab, Argonne National Laboratory, and faculty instrumentation labs. Our CIERA REU includes a directed research project, computer programming tutorials, science communication and writing workshops, research talks by faculty, grad school and career panel discussions, organized field trips to Fermilab, Yerkes Observatory, and The Adler Planetarium, and other social events. The stipend is $4500 (9-weeks) + travel + on-campus housing + funding to present your research at the following winter AAS meeting.
    Astrophysics, with connections to Physics, Earth and Planetary Science, Applied Mathematics, and Computer Science
    Research university
    Northwestern University
    $4500 (9-weeks)
  • The primary purpose of our REU program is to provide an authentic research experience to undergraduate students with limited access to research at their home institution. The REU program is open to all undergraduate students that meet the qualifications, but an emphasis will be placed on admitting students from community colleges and underrepresented minorities. Projects involving REU students at Western Washington University are available in four main fields of study (synthetic chemistry, biochemistry, materials chemistry and computational chemistry). There are 3-5 faculty members in each of these categories, which are listed on our website. In addition to being heavily involved in a research project, REU participants will take part in other activities, including a series of weekly professional development workshops, field trips to sites of local interest, and a final symposium/poster session.
    Synthetic chemistry, biochemistry, materials chemistry, computational chemistry
    primarily undergraduate institution
    Western Washington University
    40 hrs/week for 10 weeks
  • Students conduct research in marine biology under the supervision of faculty mentors and present the results of their research at a poster symposium at the end of the program. Students also participate in several professional development and cultural workshops.
    marine biology, fisheries biology, microbiology, developmental biology, physiology, ecology, genetics
    Research university
    University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
  • Rural areas, which contain approximately 20% of the US population (49 million people) and 80% of the land area in the United States are fundamental to human well-being in both rural and urban areas. Within the United States, rural areas provide unique resources such as the infrastructure for food and bioenergy production as well as the transportation infrastructure from inland urban centers to ports. Despite this, little attention is paid to the unique challenges and opportunities these areas face with respect to building and maintaining civil infrastructure. In this ten-week summer research program, students will work with faculty and graduate students to conduct research and contribute new knowledge to improve our understanding of how best to address the challenges facing rural environments. Through collaboration with industry partners, students will also be given opportunities to learn how infrastructure challenges are currently being addressed by the civil engineering industry.
    Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or related disciplines
    Research university
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Priority Deadline February 1, Applications close March 1
  • The Chemistry Research Addressing Biological Problems program gives undergraduates the opportunity to conduct research in basic chemical science projects that address fundamental questions in biology. The program, offered by the Department of Chemistry at Boston University, features projects spanning chemical science disciplines from biochemistry, bio-organic, medicinal organic, and bio-inorganic chemistry, through biophysics and theoretical biochemistry.
    Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular Biology
    Research university
    Boston University
    March 1 for Colleges, March 15 for Community Colleges
  • The Nebraska Summer Research Program is a consortium of NSF funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and other summer research opportunities programs (SROP). One unique feature of the Nebraska Summer Research Program is the partnership between the REU and SROP programs and the Office of Graduate Studies. Students benefit in having a community of scholars in which to learn and to share research with. This intensive summer research experience provides mentoring and research experiences while allowing scholars to preview graduate school life. Students with a strong interest in graduate programs are particularly encouraged to apply, as are those from populations traditionally underrepresented in graduate education.
    Applied Plant Systems, Bioenergy, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Integrated Agronomic Systems, Minority Health Disparities, MRSEC, Nanohybrid Functional Materials, Nanotechnology Coordinator Infrastructure, Redox Biology, Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure, Systems Biology, Unmanned Systems, Virology
    Research university
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • The Institute for NanoBioTechnology at Johns Hopkins University offers undergraduate students from colleges and universities around the country a chance to participate in research projects in the exciting and rapidly growing area of nanobiotechnology, a place where biology, medicine, and nanotech meet. Enjoy 10 weeks of research in the fields of nanotechnology for biology and bioengineering in a hands-on, graduate level laboratory. Program Objectives: • To provide students with a greater understanding of the development and applications of nanotechnology for biology and bioengineering. • To give students a solid grounding in research methodologies in these areas. • To inspire students with a deeper appreciation for the contributions that improved technology in nanotechnology for biology and bioengineering can make to our lives. • To grant students with a truly unique educational experience, with research at the core, while at the same time serving as an ideal foundation for future graduate work. Each student will enjoy the advantages of: • Hands-on, graduate-level laboratory research experience. • Guidance from faculty and graduate student mentors. • Development and refinement of important laboratory and communication skills. • Networking with experienced scientists. • Stipend, paid housing, and travel allowance to concentrate on research and other professional development skills.
    Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
    Research university
    Johns Hopkins University
  • SPIN is an NSF sponsored REU. SPIN provides an intensive, immersive basic neuroscience research experience to students attending Colleges/Universities without major neuroscience research opportunity. Students participate in activities common to neuroscience graduate students and develop their skills to be competitive applicants for graduate education.
    Research university
    University of Alabama
  • The REU program recruits underrepresented STEM students from two-year universities or colleges and technical colleges (Not from four-year universities) to come and live on the UW-Eau Claire campus for 10 weeks during the summer to conduct research with a faculty of their choosing. Students will conduct research in various laboratories guided and mentored by a faculty throughout the 10 weeks. The student/students will be paired with a faculty; the student will have hands-on experience working on or do research in a project of the faculty and be mentored by the faculty. Variety of research projects in nano particles, superconducting magnet materials, smart polymers synthesis and properties, peptide synthesis, site-directed mutagenesis expression of proteins and enzymes, antibody-peptide bindings, enzyme kinetics, protein/enzyme dynamic motions, atmospheric chemistry, synthesis of organic compounds that can switch their geometries and fluoresce which can be used in molecular machines/propellers, properties of Nitrile-Group IV metal complexes in condense phase, and fish otolith rings relationship to their survivability (for more information see UW-Eau Claire Chemistry Dept. Website). Students will have the opportunities to participate in the summer seminar series by other research students and faculty, discussion of important current scientific discoveries, learning to present their own discoveries, learning about being scientists and the scientific careers, graduate school and being graduate student, and participate in field trips to chemical industries. Students will get hands-on training and experiences using highly sophisticated state-of-the-art instruments at UW-Eau Claire.
    Chemistry, Biology and Materials Science
    Primarily Undergraduate Institutions
    University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
    Eau Claire
    6 students from two-year colleges or technical colleges.
  • Collaborative Program than investigates the consequences of a changing environment on marine food webs. Each student researches a different level of the trophic web. Students gain unparalleled access to the resources and exhibits of the Mystic Aquarium.
    Marine Ecology, Ecology, Food Webs, Conservation, Biology, Marine Sciences
    Public Aquarium and Public Research University
    Mystic Aquarium and University of Connecticut at Avery Point
    $550 plus $100 food per student per week
  • -One week of Rosetta Code School, where you will learn the inner details of the Rosetta C++ code and community coding environment, so you are fully prepared for the summer! -8 weeks of hands-on research in a molecular modeling and design laboratory, developing new algorithms and discovering new science. -The summer will finish with a trip to the Rosetta Conference, where you will present your research in a poster and connect with Rosetta developers from around the world. The sponsor, NSF, will provide housing, travel expenses, and a stipend. Possible projects include: • “Design of self-assembling protein nanomaterials: three-dimensional crystals” • “Structural bioinformatics of protein kinases” • “How do post-translational modifications change the communication of a protein with its partners?” • “Glycoengineering for immunotherapy and biofuels” • “Rosetta Computer Aided Drug Design” • “Computational Redesign of UDP-N-acetylhexosamine pyrophosphorylase for bioorthogonal labeling of protein glycosylation” …and many more
    Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Computational Biology, Biophysics
    Research university
    Johns Hopkins University
  • The Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research at Cornell University offers summer internships to enrolled undergraduate students interested in biological research and bioinformatics. Our internships provide an excellent opportunity to gain research experience in a laboratory setting, prepare for graduate studies and explore future scientific careers. Visit our website to learn more, see available projects, view past interns, and apply: Selected Interns will have the opportunity to: • Work closely with graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and scientists on a supervised independent project within the framework of the mentor’s research program • Attend weekly plant science seminars with scientists from BTI, Cornell University and the USDA and take an intro bioinformatics course • Learn about graduate school, scientific careers, research ethics, and work in an international research environment • Present research to the other students, scientists, and mentors at our Annual Student Symposium
    Biology, Plant Biology, Genomics, Genetics, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Micro-Biology, Biotic Interactions, Chemistry, Biochemistry
    Research institute and Research University
    Collaborative: Boyce Thompson Institute and Cornell University
    $5,250 Stipend (Plus: $1,010 Meals, $500 Travel Reimbursement and free housing on campus)
  • This project is a continuation of a previously funded REU Site: Explore it! Building the Next Generation of Sustainable Forest Bioproduct Researchers. The Site Proposal EEC- 1757529 acknowledges the support from the Division of Engineering Education and Centers (EEC). This REU Site provides 10 undergraduates with a ten week summer research experience, leveraged on the focus areas of the University of Maine, Forest Bioproducts Research Institute (FBRI). Focus on sustainable forest bioproducts is highly topical and of great global importance in the area of sustainable bioproduct alternatives. Students conduct research advancing their knowledge of the field in general and one of the thematic elements, specifically: i) sustainability and LCA, ii) feedstock extraction/modification, iii), process control and sensing, iv) nanomaterial production and utilization, and v) new product development. REU funding provides stipends and professional development activities for 30 undergraduates over 3 years. Additional non-NSF REU funded students will participate, including 6 Chilean students on a mutual exchange with 6 US students, thereby broadening the impact of the program. Students are mentored by one of 12 Faculty, all of whom are senior personnel in the FBRI, or the University of Concepcion–UDT, Chile. The REU program concludes with a forest products industry field trip to Chile, and also involves a research conference where participants present their work to Chilean faculty and students. A unique set of evaluation and assessment tools are employed that allow tracking of student performance, thus enabling feedback to students and the program alike.
    Forest Operations, Resource Economics, Bioproducts, Bioenergy, Biology, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, Material Science, Nanotechnology
    Research university
    University of Maine and the University of Concepcion, Chile
  • The “Coastal Research in Environmental Science and Technology (CREST)” program at the University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass Boston) is a 10-week immersive research experience serving 10 undergraduates per year. CREST exposes these students to cutting edge, authentic, coastal environmental research at UMass Boston in an integrative transdisciplinary program across the natural and social sciences. CREST focuses on integrative coastal research crossing disciplinary boundaries that incorporates the natural and social sciences and leverages the existing research and educational programs within the School for the Environment at UMass Boston.
    Environmental Science, Marine Science, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Oceanography
    Research university
    University of Massachusetts Boston
  • The summer research program at The Scripps Research Institute is a research-intensive program in a top-10 academic environment. Research on our campus is often interdisciplinary and combines elements of chemistry and different areas of biology. Our students work on their own research projects, thus receiving hands-on training at the cutting edge of their fields. This lab experience is combined with professional development opportunities that focus on preparation for graduate school.
    Biochemistry, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Structural Biology, Cancer Biology
    Research Institute
    Scripps Research Institute
  • The Maryland Robotics Center, with support from the National Science Foundation, is offering exciting research opportunities for undergraduate students in the area of bioinspired robotics. Bioinspired robots—defined as robots that are inspired by natural systems such as insects, birds, mammals, and reptiles—have the potential to significantly enable or enhance capabilities in manufacturing, health care, reconnaissance, exploration, food safety, and search and rescue. Because of their unique design, bioinspired robotics offer a truly interdisciplinary systems research challenge that encompasses biology, materials, mechanical design, control, sensors and actuators, power, electronics, and computer science among other topics.
    Robotics, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering
    Research university
    University of Maryland
    College Park
  • Students will work closely with a Ph.D. mentor from the Missouri Botanical Garden on an independent research project. Projects available in 2018 involve subjects including taxonomy of tropical plant species, genetic diversity, speciation, conservation biology, restoration ecology, effects of climate change on plant phenology, ethnobotany, and new crop development. Students will be trained in all aspects of research, including project design, background research using library and electronic resources, methods, data collection and analysis, and presentation of results in a poster, public research symposium, and possibly a published paper.
    Botany, Conservation, Ethnobotany, Restoration Ecology, Taxonomy, Systematics, Population Genetics
    Research institution
    Missouri Botanical Garden
    St. Louis
    $525 (weekly)
  • Students in our program spend ten weeks in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Liquid Crystal Institute research laboratories, working closely with faculty and other researchers on exciting projects in the areas of liquid crystals (biomaterials & nanomaterials) and biological membranes. In addition to working in the lab, participants of the REU program are also given the opportunity to take part in a number of social events, ranging from sporting and cultural events to canoe trips.
    Chemistry, Liquid Crystals, Advanced Materials
    Research university
    Kent State University
    Review of applications begins March 1, 2018
  • With the guidance of a faculty mentor, interns will conduct original research projects in one of a wide range of marine science topics. In addition to laboratory and field research activities, students will participate in field trips to the Maryland Coastal Bays, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Eastern Shore Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Horn Point Laboratory, and Pocomoke State Park. Students will receive instruction in topics such as scientific ethics, library resources for research, experimental design and data analysis, and scientific writing and communication. Students will present their research to their peers and mentors at a symposium at the Sarbanes Coastal Ecology Center on the final day of the internship.
    Marine, Estuarine, Environmental, and related sciences
    University of Maryland East Shore
    Princess Anne
    $5,250 + housing + meals
    Depends upon funding
  • MassCAMP seeks to train scientists to develop fundamental science for a critical future technology: autonomous materials that will sense their environment, reconfigure their shape and function, and interact collectively to solve global challenges in building construction, exploration, oil-spill remediation, or energy harvesting. Inspired by natural systems that have these remarkable qualities, we seek to learn how we can incorporate the ability to sense and respond into the basic building blocks of materials. Our students will be trained in soft matter, biological physics, and quantum materials and a variety of techniques in experiment and theory. The University of Massachusetts has a highly collaborative group of faculty in these areas and we welcome new students to our team.
    Physics, Condensed matter physics, soft-matter physics, biological materials, quantum matter
    Research university
    University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • This NSF-funded program aims to provide cutting edge summer research training experiences for ten undergraduates in the broadly defined area of cell signaling. Through intensive research and a series of organized activities, participants will be exposed to world-class research environments, with the aim of broadening their understanding and appreciation of research.
    molecular biology, cell biology, genetics/genomics, biochemistry, development
    Research university
    Cornell University
  • Our REU program in Data-Centric Computing covers a broad spectrum of topics including, but not limited to, Cybersecurity (Phishing Detection, Network Intrusion Detection, and Privacy), Text and Video Mining, and Bioinformatics. Visit our website for additional details.
    computer science
    Research university
    University of Houston
  • Combinatorics and Algorithms for Real Problems (CAAR) is a 10 week NSF funded research program designed to bridge the disconnect between the theory (algorithms, probability, combinatorics) and other disciplines within Computer Science (AI, Operations Research, others.) Rather than wax philosophical about this just go Look at the Projects! On the website!
    computer science, mathematics
    Research university
    University of Maryland at College Park
    College Park
    Feb 15 (but we may be all filled up by then so apply earlier)
  • The UMN MRSEC REU is a highly interdisciplinary program providing research opportunities for up to 25 undergraduates each summer. MRSEC interdisciplinary research groups in Polymers, Electrostatic Control of Materials, and Sustainable Nanocrystal Materials provide opportunities for all STEM majors to conduct research in their specific area of interest while also being exposed to the highly diverse research environment of the MRSEC and University of Minnesota through the work of their peers. All participants have independent research projects and full hands-on access to all instrumentation facilities at UMN.
    Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, All other STEM majors welcome to apply
    Research university
    University of Minnesota
  • The University of Michigan Physics Department Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (REU) in Physics provides selected undergraduate students an opportunity to conduct ten weeks of summer research with leading physicists in a range of experimental physics fields.
    Physics and Astrophysics
    Research university
    University of Michigan
    Ann Arbor
  • Participants will spend 10 weeks working on a research project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Essential written and verbal communication skills will be developed through weekly journal clubs, laboratory group meetings, and dinner discussions/presentations. Workshops on research ethics and graduate school admission will be offered. At the end of the summer, students will present the results of their research at both a university-wide poster session and symposium. A variety of social activities will be interwoven throughout the summer.
    microbiology, molecular biology, cell biology, developmental biology, evolutionary biology, genetics, structural biology, neurobiology, physiology
    Research university
    Marquette University
  • During the summer of 2018, Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF) and Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Materials (PARADIM) will sponsor Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs from June through August. Engineering and science students with broad interests across disciplines focusing on nanotechnology are eligible to apply (please find restrictions and eligibility requirements online). Please note we have very specific goals of doing our best to hire underrepresented minorities, women, and undergraduates who have no previous research experience (although, not to the exclusion of well-represented undergraduates as is evident from looking at photographs from any of our REU programs). The chosen undergraduates taking part in this ten-week program will receive hands-on nanoscience and technology experience through research, with applications to bio-engineering, chemistry, electronics, materials science, optics, optoelectronics, physics, and the life sciences. The research projects are designed and supervised by the faculty and technical staff at CNF and PARADIM using the unique resources offered. A Nano-Convocation is held in August to allow interns the opportunity to present their work to their peers in a concise scientific presentation. Interns also must complete a written report, akin to a research paper, summarizing the findings of their research project. These reports are published and distributed to the interns and sites, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and many others. Participants receive a $5,000 stipend, plus housing and reasonable travel expenses. Full participation in the ten-week program, convocation and final reporting is mandatory. A complete application ( includes: the online application (profile, research preferences, registration of recommenders, etc.), relevant college coursework in Science, Technology, Math and Engineering, a personal essay and resume, and two Letters of Recommendation. The online application deadline is Wednesday, February 14, 2018 (5:00 p.m. Pacific, 8:00 p.m. Eastern).
    Engineering and Materials; bio-engineering, chemistry, electronics, materials science, optics, optoelectronics, physics, and the life sciences
    Comprehensive university
    Cornell University
  • Brooklyn College’s Urban Ecology and Environment Program (BUEE) offers a specialized ten-week intensive research training experience on human-coupled natural systems targeted at underrepresented students from academic institutions poorly equipped for research opportunities in STEM. The goal of our program is to train future researchers and policy makers in urban ecology and environmental science, capitalizing on our unique setting in the largest borough of the largest city in the United States. Authentic research experiences on human-coupled natural systems will be complemented by a rigorous educational program aimed at developing practical experience in research integrity, scientific communication and quantitative literacy. BUEE leverages the unique academic and research resources at Brooklyn College/CUNY, including a state-of-the-art Aquatic Research and Environmental Assessment Center and our recently-established Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay, focused on urban sustainability and resilience.
    Ecology, Environmental Science
    Comprehensive university
    CUNY Brooklyn College
  • Wadsworth Center’s REU program supports basic natural science research in individual and collaborative projects. We are seeking applicants interested in attending graduate school with a goal of pursuing a career in science. We encourage applications from students attending colleges with limited research opportunities and from members of groups underrepresented in the sciences.
    molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, structural biology
    Wadsworth Center
  • MTBI is an intensive summer research experience that prepares undergraduate students for the rigors of graduate level research at the interface of mathematics, statistics, and the natural and social sciences. Select students are invited to Arizona State University for eight weeks, where their time is split between classroom instruction on research methods and hands-on research projects. Participants receive intensive instruction in dynamical systems, stochastic processes, computational methods and modeling delivered by top scientists and guest speakers from around the world. At MTBI, students don’t work alone. Everything, from homework to research, exists in a collaborative environment with fellow participants, graduate students, postdoctoral students, and visiting scholars. Students work in self-selected groups on research problems of their own choosing, while collaborating with experienced faculty and graduate student mentors. At MTBI, students select their own research topics, not faculty. By the end of the summer, students have complete a high-quality technical report and research poster, which are presented at national conferences to an audience of their peers and colleagues.
    Mathematics, Biology, Statistics, Natural and Social Sciences
    Research university
    Arizona State University
    For U.S. Citizens: $4,000 plus room & board, and up to $500 travel cost to and from ASU. For International Students: room and board. No stipend or funds for transportation.
  • The RMBL Education Program is an excellent way to decide if a career in field biology is right for you. Independent research offers an intensive mountain field work experience and emphasizes individual research projects. Students are immersed in an active scientific community, with up to 180 scientists, postdocs, graduate students, undergraduates, staff, and family members living onsite. With this critical mass of ecologists in a single location, the scientific activity is on high speed all summer.
    ecology and evolutionary field biology
    Field Station
    Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
    Crested Butte
    40 students. 10 will receive REU awards and 30 will have alternative funding.
  • The Dynamic Compression Summer School has been established to provide an overview of dynamic compression science appropriate for upper-level undergraduates and first-year graduate students. The four-days of lectures, discussion, and a tour will introduce students to the scientific fundamentals, broad scientific applications, and career opportunities within this vital, diverse and challenging field. The program includes an introduction to the many opportunities related to the study of material response under extreme conditions. The summer school aims to strengthen ongoing interest and to enhance the long-term intellectual vitality of dynamic compression research. We encourage exceptional applicants with a desire to pursue a career or advanced degree, and who would contribute to the development, implementation and deployment of such technologies in practice.
    Physics, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, or related field
    National Research Laboratory
    Argonne National Laboratory – Dynamic Compression Sector, Advanced Photon Source
    Travel support up to $500 is available
    32-hours total time
  • Students will be based at CERN, European’s premier laboratory for high energy physics. Students join active research groups at CERN for nine weeks of individually mentored research activities and an introduction to current topics in high energy physics through the CERN Summer Student Lecture Series.
    physics, engineering, computer science
    undergraduate/graduate research
    University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
    December 20 (yearly)
    beginning of June
    beginning of August
    $2500 stipend plus about 100 CHF per day
  • Summer Fellows work on research projects selected in collaboration with their sponsor(s) that will provide meaningful results within a 10-12 week period. Project topics span the vast spectrum of research in ocean sciences and engineering conducted at WHOI. Fellowship recipients also attend weekly seminars and participate in a hands-on ocean sampling daytrip.
    Ocean physics, marine engineering, biology, geology, geophysics, marine chemistry, geochemistry, marine policy, physical oceanography, climate and ocean, coastal science, marine hazards and pollution, polar systems, robotics (AUV, ROV), deep ocean research
    Research and education oceanographic Institution
    Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
    Woods Hole
    Feb. 15, 2017
    Flexible – 10-12 weeks from late May/early June through mid August
    see above
    $608/week in 2017 for a maximum of 12 weeks
  • This program will give a total of 11 student participants 10 weeks of hands-on chemistry research experience on a cutting-edge project related to theoretically interesting molecules (TIM) at one of the five participating host schools. Participants will receive training in all experimental techniques and use instrumentation that would be necessary to conduct graduate-level studies. In addition, students will receive training in chemical safety, hygiene and ethics. Students will keep a research notebook, give an oral presentation of their work, and attend two meetings with the entire group. At these meetings and through the program students will have the opportunity to network with not only faculty at the school where they are conducting research, but with the other faculty in the consortium and with the consortium mentor. This year our mentor is Dr. Vy Dong, Professor of Chemistry at the University of California, Irvine. While all are encouraged to apply, the TIM Consortium REU program targets underrepresented groups in STEM and those who would have limited or no access to an undergraduate research experience.
    Physical and Synthetic Organic Chemistry
    Primarily Undergraduate Institutions
    Collaborative: Colby College, Northern Kentucky University, University of Richmond, Grand Valley State University, University of San Diego
    Waterville,Highland Heights,Richmond,Allendale, San Diego
    ME, KY, VA, MI, CA
    Flexible, approximately May 10, 2017 (by agreement with the participating host school)
    Flexible, approximately August 1, 2017 (by agreement with the participating host school)
  • A project to define the taxonomy, diversity, and distribution of Tardigrades (Water Bears) in the canopy of North American forests. Students will collect in Kansas and Massachusetts, and present at the California Academy of Sciences. Many students will submit a manuscript. Ambulatory disabled students welcome. Not for the timid.
    Canopy, Tardigrades (Water Bears), Ecology
    Baker University
    Baldwin City
    March 13, 2016
    June 1, 2016
    August 9, 2016
    $525 / week for 10 weeks = $5,250
    8, up to 4 may be ambulatory disabled (Wheel Chair)
  • Conduct research on the ecological and socioeconomic impacts of humans in the Lake Champlain ecosystem. Funded by the National Science Foundation, REU students will participate in an interdisciplinary cooperative model that promotes integrated thinking across disciplines within and between the natural and social sciences.
    Natural Sciences, Social Sciences
    undergraduate and graduate
    University of Vermont
    February 5, 2016
    June 1, 2016
    August 5, 2016
  • Computer Science, Clinical Psychology, Nursing, Neuropsychology
    Washington State University
    Open, but application review begins on February 1, 2016
    June 1, 2016
    August 2, 2016
  • Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering
    Washington State University
    March 1, 2016
    June 1, 2016
    August 2, 2016
  • The University of Oregon and the National Science Foundation sponsor a 10 week summer undergraduate research program offering a wide variety of exciting research projects for students interested in chemistry, physics, environmental chemistry, optics and materials science. Students work closely with faculty advisors, graduate students and other research undergraduates for a unique summer experience.
    Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Chemistry
    Graduate Research University
    University of Oregon
    February 15, 2017
    June 19, 2017
    August 25, 2017
  • The University of Oregon and the National Science Foundation sponsor a 10 week summer undergraduate research program offering a wide variety of exciting research projects for students interested in chemistry, physics, environmental chemistry, optics and materials science. Students work closely with faculty advisors, graduate students and other research undergraduates for a unique summer experience.
    Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Chemistry
    Graduate Research University
    University of Oregon
    February 15, 2017
    June 19, 2017
    August 25, 2017
  • The University of Oregon and the National Science Foundation sponsor a 10 week summer undergraduate research program offering a wide variety of exciting research projects for students interested in chemistry, physics, environmental chemistry, optics and materials science. Students work closely with faculty advisors, graduate students and other research undergraduates for a unique summer experience.
    Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Chemistry
    Graduate Research University
    University of Oregon
    February 15, 2017
    June 19, 2017
    August 25, 2017
  • The Northwestern University Materials Research Science and Engineering Center offers a 9-week paid summer research internship to undergraduates. We conduct research in many areas of materials science including: nanoscience, polymers, biomaterials, conducting oxides and molecular plasmonics.
    Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering
    Northwestern University
    February 15, 2017
    June 19, 2017
    August 18, 2017
  • The Summer Student Program is designed to help students understand the nature of research science. The emphasis of this program is on methods of discovery and communication of knowledge. Under the guidance of a mentor, students integrate into an ongoing research program, develop an independent project, implement their plan, analyze the data and report their results.
    Genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, computational biology, cancer research, neuroscience
    independent research institution
    The Jackson Laboratory
    Bar Harbor
    February 2, 2016
    June 4, 2016
    August 11, 2016
  • The TRUST REU, hosted by UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is a nine-week summer program in Cybersecurity, Privacy, Secure Storage and Trustworthy Systems, established to promote access to graduate education among undergraduates who may not have exposure to the academic environment of a research university.
    Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering
    UC Berkeley & Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    January 31, 2016
    June 5, 2016
    August 6, 2016
  • Gain: Research experience to prepare you academically and professionally in science and engineering and research presentation skills, technical training and professional development opportunities. Get: $5000, Student housing on the University of Utah campus and up to $600 toward travel expenses to and from Salt Lake City, UT.
    physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineering (chemical, electrical, mechanical, metallurgical)
    University of Utah
    Salt Lake City
    February 12, 2017
    June 5, 2017
    August 4, 2017
  • Students will work in teams of 2 or 3 with faculty on projects that apply theory to practice. Examples of applications areas are (1) Kidney Exchange, (2) Natural Lang Processing, (3) Image Processing, (4) Cryptography-Security, (5) Game theory applied to Jeopardy, (6) Neural Nets, (7) Probability, (8) Quantum Computing
    Computer Science Theory
    undergraduate and graduate
    University of Maryland College Park
    College Park
    February 15, 2017 (rolling admissions until then)
    June 5, 2017
    August 11, 2017
  • The practice of the “security of science” aims to approach knowledge discovery in the field of cybersecurity in a way that validates predictions though logic or repeatable empirical experiments. Science of security emphasizes the methodology of research in cyber-security as much as the results of that research. Science of security is broad in its application, including development of mathematical models about which properties can be proven and/or predictions made, as well as empirical research that poses hypotheses that are tested by measurement and analysis. The Information Trust Institute (ITI) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, part of the NSA Science of Security Lablet program, invites applications for a unique research experience for students. Selected applicants will spend eight weeks at ITI pursuing a research program of their own design, under the mentorship of ITI faculty and/or staff. The objective will be to advance research, which may be submitted for a poster session at the next HotSoS Science of Security Symposium. In addition to the research, the summer internship program will include weekly seminars and instruction regarding research issues such as ethics, research writing, presenting, creating posters, and grad school preparation.
    computer science and electrical and computer engineering
    Information Trust Institute (ITI) is a research unit that is part of the College of Engineering at Illinois.
    Information Trust Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (sponsored by NSA)
    January 31, 2017
    June 5, 2017
    July 28, 2017
    hourly stipend depends on level in school
  • This NSF REU offers interdisciplinary research experience in leading laboratories that apply the intellectual, experimental, or theoretical tools of physical, mathematical, or engineering sciences to biological questions. Successful completion of the program qualifies participants for a second summer’s research at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Nové Hrady, South Bohemia.
    Physical, mathematical, and engineering sciences; biophysics
    Princeton University
    January 31, 2017
    June 5, 2017
    August 4, 2017
  • The REU program combines structured learning with maximum hands-on time in the laboratory. At weekly luncheon sessions, faculty members present various chemistry research topics, followed by student research presentations in the last two weeks. Additional activities include a career program, ethics seminar, three-hour glassblowing workshop, and multi-university poster session.
    All areas of chemistry with overlaps to other sciences
    Research University
    Syracuse University
    February 15, 2017
    June 5, 2017
    August 11, 2017
    11 students supported by NSF, total number 20-25
  • The REU program offers a research experience in the beautiful and safe city of Graz in the foothills of the Alps. At the Technical University of Graz, students typically do research on applied chemistry projects, gaining valuable experience in both science and culture. Capstone event in Syracuse, NY in October (weekend, TBA)
    All areas of chemistry with overlaps to other sciences
    Syracuse University, Technical University of Graz
    Syracuse University, Technical University of Graz
    February 15, 2017
    June 5, 2017
    August 11, 2017
    6 students supported by NSF
  • Our REU Site provides mentored research opportunities for students in interdisciplinary materials research, broadly defined. Inclusion of faculty from various disciplines enables the REU students to develop skills needed to excel in both academic and industrial research environments, where interdisciplinary teams are standard and researchers must communicate effectively across disciplines.
    Materials research, broadly defined, performing research with faculty in the Departments of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Physics, Engineering, and Microbiology
    graduate research university
    Southern Illinois University Carbondale
    TBD; typically last week in February
    June 5, 2017 (not finalized)
    August 4, 2017 (not finalized)
    about 40 hours, varies depending on instructor
  • This ten-week summer program provides undergraduate students in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) discipline with intensive experience in engineering education research, such as how learners’ experience, background, and perception play a role when they learn engineering knowledge and skills.
    engineering education
    Utah State University
    February 1, 2016
    June 6, 2016
    August 12, 2016
  • Each student is assigned to a REU Team with data visualization needs. This arrangement fosters collaboration among team members, an appreciation of the visualization process and an understanding of the role visualization plays in discovery and analysis. All majors, women and members of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.
    all fields of study
    undergraduate and graduate research
    Purdue University
    West Lafayette
    March 30, 2016
    June 6, 2016
    July 29, 2016
  • All students participating in the REU program will take part in tutorials on tools and techniques that are widely used in data-intensive computing research, as well as work with a faculty mentor to conduct research on one of several possible topics in the realm of data-intensive computing.
    computer science
    research university
    Clemson University
    no deadline, but we start making decisions in March
    June 6, 2016
    July 29, 2016
  • This program provides students with the opportunity to become engaged in an active research program in a scientific laboratory on the MSU campus. Students will contribute to the research by working alongside mentors, participating in group meetings and activities, and attending seminars.
    Opportunities for research in multiple departments, including chemical engineering, biochemistry, plant biology, agricultural economics, microbiology, entomology, and crop sciences.
    Michigan State University
    East Lansing
    February 28, 2016
    June 6, 2016
    August 12, 2016
  • This REU unites the successful neuroscience undergraduate research programs of three predominately undergraduate institutions in Northern Ohio and Eastern Indiana. The REU consists of research teams from each institution, with no more than a 2:1 REU student to faculty ratio for a nine-week summer REU. Each group will focus on a separate research project from a faculty mentor’s area of expertise. Participants will work on challenging, authentic research questions and learn methods, skills and content to succeed in their research endeavors at their home institutions. In addition, during biweekly consortium meetings, participants will learn methods, skills and content on research methods being used at the partner institutions. Participants will also engage in discussion on their projects, learn about the progress of their peers, network with other students, hear about career opportunities in academe and industry, develop ethical and responsible research conduct strategies and improve CV, cover letter and interview skills during the weekly consortium meetings that will bring the research groups together in-person and virtually. Students will present their findings at a research symposium at the conclusion of the program.
    Primarily Undergraduate Institutions
    College of Wooster, Kenyon College, Earlham College
    Wooster, OH, Gambier, OH, Richmond, IN
    OH, IN
    March 2, 2018
    May 15, 2018
    July 14, 2018
  • Participants are trained on research projects that support the design of safer and more effective nanoparticles that have been characterized and assessed for potential toxicity. Activities focus on multifunctional nanomaterials and support improved material design with attention to properties that impact human and environmental health. Students have access to cutting-edge technology in nanolithography, nanotemplating, material self-assembly, electrochemistry, spectroscopy, microscopy, fluidics, and unique tools required to elucidate complex facets of nanotoxicity.
    science, technology, and engineering
    research university
    West Virginia University
    Early Admission Review of completed applications will proceed from Nov 28-Dec 28, 2016. Regular review will begin Feb 3, 2017 and end upon all spots being filled.
    May 21, 2017
    July 28, 2017
  • The main objective of the REU program is to expose undergraduate students to interdisciplinary research in the field of sensing, monitoring and detection. During the 10 week program,from 5/21/2018 to 7/28/2018, the participants will closely work with faculty and graduate students on cutting edge research projects that bridge traditional chemistry disciplines. Beside full time research, participants will be involved in weekly seminars and workshops focused on modern problems in the chemistry of sensing, monitoring and detection, ethics in science, professional growth, and the role of the scientist in modern society. The REU program provides a $ 5,200 summer stipend. In addition, housing and travel, (including travel for presentation of work in conferences) is provided by the program. Sophomore, junior, and rising senior students are encouraged to apply.
    chemistry, interdisciplinary
    Research university
    Florida International University
    March 1, 2018
    May 21, 2018
    July 28, 2018
  • Micro and nanofabrication of solid-state devices are rapidly becoming the key drivers of interdisciplinary research in emerging fields such as nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomechanics, nanophysics, and biophysics. Such technology is a critical component of modern economic development, and leadership in research is a key to sustained US economic competitiveness. One of the greatest challenges in maintaining that leadership is the limited number of undergraduates from US engineering programs who pursue graduate studies in solid-state devices and the related topics of materials and device processing. The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (“the SURE program”) in Solid-State Devices for Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetics Technology was created to address this need. The SURE program will provide an average of ten students per summer the opportunity to pursue ten weeks of directed research in the areas of electronic, photonic, and magnetic devices, including material and device design, processing, characterization, and modeling.
    Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science, Bioengineering, Physics, and Closely related disciplines
    Research university
    Clemson University
    Priority application deadline: March 2, 2018
    May 21, 2018
    July 27, 2018
  • The theme of the REU site is to study and to develop materials and devices with application in biotechnology and medicine by bringing together engineering, computer science, photonics research, chemistry and biochemistry, and nanoscience and technology in interdisciplinary teams. Qualifications: Students must be on an undergraduate track at a US institution. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent resident.
    Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Medicine, Biotechnology, Nanoscience and technology, Chemistry
    Research university
    University of Central Florida
    March 9, 2018
    May 21, 2018
    July 27, 2018
  • The Center for Computation & Technology at Louisiana State University provides an ideal setting for the REU student to become familiar with interdisciplinary research. With research groups exploring gravitational waves, complex emergent phenomena in material science, or computational music, the participants work on cutting edge research in Computational Sciences.
    Interdisciplinary computational research. The CCT has five broad, and sometimes overlapping, focus areas, Core Computing Sciences, Coast to Cosmos, Material World, Cultural Computing, and System Science and Engineering
    Louisiana State University
    Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) at Louisiana State University
    Baton Rouge
    March 1, 2018
    May 21, 2018
    July 27, 2018
  • Biology, mathematics and computer science majors are invited to participate in independent, mentored research. Students will receive training in not only in skills particular to their research, but also in support skills for the successful completion and dissemination of the project.
    Evolution, Ecology, Systematics, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modeling, Bioinformatics
    graduate research
    University of Kansas
    February 15, 2018
    May 22, 2017
    July 27, 2017
  • This Research Experience for Undergraduates project is a ten week program where students work collaboratively on a wide variety of computational science projects. The Center for Computation & Technology at Louisiana State University provides an ideal setting for the REU student to become familiar with interdisciplinary research. With research groups exploring gravitational waves, complex emergent phenomena in material science, or computational music, the participants work on cutting edge research in Computational Sciences.
    Any major that is within the computational science umbrella (leaves out few majors as it includes all sciences, mathematics, engineering, finance, statistics, computational humanities, etc.)
    Comprehensive, graduate and undergraduate research
    Center for Computation and Technology, Louisiana State University
    Baton Rouge
    March 1, 2017
    May 22, 2017
    July 30, 2017
  • TECBio REU @ Pitt is a 10-week program that provides a challenging graduate-level research experience in computational biology. In addition to performing cutting-edge research, TECBio students also participate in academic and professional development activities, while experiencing the various social and cultural activities available in Pittsburgh – America’s most livable city.
    Computational and Systems Biology
    Graduate Research University
    University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
    February 15, 2016
    May 23, 2016
    July 29, 2016
  • Funded by the National Science Foundation, our program offers a unique opportunity for talented undergraduates to do state-of-the-art research and gain valuable skills while exploring career opportunities in the sciences. During the first two weeks, interns divide their time between group training activities and their home laboratories. The group training activities include research seminar presentations, hands-on training in field and laboratory techniques, a trip behind the scenes at the Indianapolis Zoo, and a workshop on research ethics. For the remainder of the summer, students conduct individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors and prepare final presentations of the results. We also offer brief workshops on taking the GRE, applying to graduate school, and designing professional presentations in Power Point.
    biology, neuroscience, cognition, and evolution
    undergrad, comprehensive, graduate research
    Indiana University
    February 8, 2016
    May 23, 2016
    July 30, 2016
  • The Translational Ecology for Undergraduate program gives 10 students an intensive summer research experience in ecology. Students work with mentors on cutting edge topics of their choice while developing autonomy. They also engage in enrichment activities designed to foster critical reflection about science and its linkages to society.
    research institution
    Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
    February 5, 2016
    May 23, 2016
    August 12, 2016
  • Biology, mathematics and computer science majors are invited to participate in research on applying models to biological questions. Working with a faculty mentors, students will test models empirically or develop mathematical models while participating in a program designed to support learning research and presentation skills.
    evolutionary biology, ecology, systematics, bioinformatics
    undergraduate and graduate research
    University of Kansas
    February 15, 2016
    May 23, 2016
    July 29, 2016
  • The Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) focuses on interdisciplinary nanoscale research at the interface of biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. More than 40 faculty participants from the School of Engineering, College of Arts and Science, and the School of Medicine inspire students by creating an atmosphere of excitement and creativity. Each REU participate will work directly with VINSE faculty members and their research groups and be part of the larger VINSE community.
    Offer over 30 projects in nanoscience and nanoengineering – program suited for physicists, chemists, biologists, and all engineering backgrounds
    Research university
    Vanderbilt University
    February 15, 2018
    May 27, 2018
    August 3, 2018
  • The program consists of an intense ten-week summer program where students will select a research group and work on an individual project under the supervision of one of our chemistry faculty members. In addition to research opportunity, students will partake in a number of professional workshops to enhance their communication skills and learn to conduct themselves ethically and with integrity in their research work, as well as social activities to encourage students to get to know each other and the Clemson community, go on a field trip and present their findings.
    Research university
    Clemson University
    February 15, 2018
    May 28, 2018
    August 3, 2018
  • Are you ready to explore materials science in the laboratory? The faculty at Clemson University believe that undergraduates can and do make important contributions to the field of materials science through their research. We also know that working in a research laboratory can be a transformative experience and help current undergraduates decide if attending graduate school is the right option for them. This program (Interfaces and Surfaces) accepts around ten students every summer to both fabricate and study new materials and material systems. During our ten-week program, participants will conduct research, practice a range of professional skills, reflect on how to achieve their career goals and experience working on diverse teams.
    Materials Science & Engineering, Bioengineering, Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Chemistry
    Clemson University, Department of Materials Science & Engineering
    February 15, 2017
    May 29, 2017
    August 4, 2017
  • The Miami University (Ohio) NSF-REU summer program gives students opportunities to participate in cutting edge and often interdisciplinary research projects in analytical, biological, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistries as well as chemistry education research providing the next generation of scientists with strong encouragement to continue in science as a career.
    analytical chemistry, biochemistry, inogranic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and chemistry education research
    Miami University (Ohio)
    February 15, 2016
    May 30, 2016
    August 5, 2016
  • Undergraduate students participate in research projects within the areas of synthesis, characterization and application of nanoparticles and their composites and assemblies. The student participants also attend scientific and professional development seminars, a session on research ethics, and participate in field trips to local industrial and related sites and in organized social activities.
    Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Engineering
    Ph.D. Granting Urban University
    University of New Orleans
    New Orleans
    February 16, 2017
    May 30, 2017
    July 28, 2017
  • Our REU program allows students to participate in active research in a wide range of areas, including protein structure and function, transcriptional mechanisms, molecular neurobiology, regulation of gene expression in a chromatin context, cancer biology, plant biology, embryonic development, diabetes, cytoskeleton dynamics, and virology.
    • Gene expression analyses • Chromatin structure/function • Protein characterization and manipulation • Cell molecular architecture • Tumor virus molecular biology • Molecular mechanisms of ion channels and neurotransmitter release • Protein folding, structure and function • Molecular neurobiology • Developmental mechanisms • Proteomics • Detection of food-borne pathogens • Plant molecular biology and metabolism • Cardiovascular physiology and development • DNA repair and telomeres in cancer and aging • Prions in neurodegenerative diseases
    Research intensive, PhD granting, research university
    Colorado State University
    Fort Collins
    February 1, 2017
    May 30, 2017
    August 3, 2017
  • For this 10 week research program students will spend most of their time doing research under the guidance of a faculty mentor and other members of his/her group. In addition there are weekly seminars on current research, professional development workshops such as on applying to graduate school, and social activities.
    Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science, Computer Simulations and Modelling
    Comprehensive (both undergraduate and graduate)
    University of Florida
    February 15, 2017
    May 30, 2017
    August 4, 2017
  • Research is in the broad area of Surface Engineering, with applications in Sensing, Energy and Nanoelectronics. REU Fellows will have the opportunity to perform research in state-of- the-art laboratories with faculty mentors, visit local high-tech companies and plan for their careers.
    Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
    Research University
    University of Texas – Dallas
    Review will start Feb 15 but applications will be accepted after that date until all positions are filled.
    May 30, 2017
    August 4, 2017
  • Our Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program engages undergraduate students in socially relevant computing research. The program immerses students in a truly collaborative research community. We teach research skills through training sessions and experiential, hands-on learning, while students actively contribute to a community that includes faculty, graduate students, and peers.
    Computer science/computing: Video and Image Analysis, Human Computer Interaction, Visualization
    undergraduate and graduate
    The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    February 19, 2017
    May 30, 2017
    July 28, 2017
  • At OSU – REU site undergraduate students will: · Learn about the scientific processes and procedures required to conduct bio-products and bio-energy research · Understand the importance of an interdisciplinary environment in developing bio-products and bio-energy production systems · Explore the role of bio-product and bio-energy research in a global society. · Develop professional skills that are necessary for a successful career. · Discover graduate studies and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) related disciplines, specifically those related to bio-based products and energy.
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Biosystems and Ag Engineering; Microbiology, Plant and Soil Sciences
    Oklahoma State University
    Still Water
    March 1, 2016
    May 31, 2016
    July 29, 2016
  • The Samford REU program is designed to give undergraduate students an exceptional summer research experience. Students are individually paired with a faculty member and work side by side with them as they conduct research.
    Plant and animal ecology, water quality, biochemistry, plant natural products chemistry and bioactivity, plant taxonomy, and aquatic community ecology.
    Samford University
    March 16, 2016
    May 31, 2016
    July 31, 2016
  • This REU Site program will focus on research in biology and biotechnology in a traditional research experience while conveying how basic biotechnology research leads to business creation and industrial development. Example projects include bioinformatics and whole genome analyses to understand drought resistance of potato crops, generation and study of transgenic soybeans for agricultural use, study of microbial populations for biofuel development or water treatment, use of nanoparticles in bioavailability or environmental impact studies.
    Biology and Biotechnology
    undergraduate and graduate
    University of North Carolina Charlotte in the Department of Biological Sciences
    February 1, 2016
    May 31, 2016
    August 5, 2016
  • Students will be involved in exciting and interesting projects at the very edge of our current knowledge in these areas. They will learn how to formulate and test hypotheses, how to problem-solve and troubleshoot, and how to use state-of-the-art techniques and instrumentation including analytical ultracentrifugation and X-ray crystallography. A significant number of participants in this program have published the results of their projects in scientific journals. Each student is assigned to a specific faculty member’s research laboratory, where the student works closely with the faculty mentor, post-doctoral associates, and graduate students.
    • Gene expression analyses • Chromatin structure/function • Protein characterization and manipulation • Cell molecular architecture • Tumor virus molecular biology • Molecular mechanisms of ion channels and neurotransmitter release • Protein folding, structure and function • Molecular neurobiology • Developmental mechanisms • Proteomics • Detection of food-borne pathogens • Plant molecular biology and metabolism • Cardiovascular physiology and development • DNA repair and telomeres in cancer and aging • Prions in neurodegenerative diseases
    PhD granting, research intensive, land grant university
    Colorado State University, Fort Collins
    Fort Collins
    February 1, 2016
    May 31, 2016
    August 4, 2016
  • This is a 10 week summer program. The goal of this program is to provide undergraduate students with experience in hypothesis-driven collaborative research utilizing field based and/or laboratory methods and fully engage students in projects associated with the ecology and evolution influencing Chihuahuan Desert biodiversity.
    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    Undergraduate and Graduate Research Institution
    University of Texas at El Paso
    El Paso
    March 15, 2016
    May 31, 2016
    August 6, 2016
  • Sequences play an important role in the mathematical sciences and other fields. Students will work on team projects to enumerate sequential objects and their properties. One emphasis will be to develop and solve conjectures in several combinatorial and algorithmic areas, as well as the tools necessary for identifying such conjectures.
    Mathematics (Number Theory, Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory)
    Muhlenberg College
    March 8, 2017
    May 31, 2017
    July 28, 2017
  • The UWIN Undergraduate Research Program gives students an intensive research experience in urban water sustainability. Students from different disciplines (engineering, natural and social sciences) are placed with mentors at institutions across the nation. Students perform cutting edge, transdisciplinary research and participate in in-person and virtual skill building workshops and seminars.
    Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering, Sustainability
    Research University
    Urban Water Innovation Network (UWIN) / Colorado State University
    Fort Collins
    February 10, 2017
    May 31, 2017
    August 2, 2017
  • ReNUWIt’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program engages undergraduate students in ReNUWIt faculty’s research labs, under the mentorship of ReNUWIt post-docs and graduate students. Participants learn laboratory/field techniques, are immersed in ReNUWIt’s collaborative and interdisciplinary culture, and conduct meaningful research in state-of-the-art facilities. REU participants also interact directly with ReNUWIt faculty and peers, receive professional development training, and experience ReNUWIt’s systems-level approach to addressing the nation’s water issues. Additional program requirements include meetings, oral presentations, a short written report, and summary slides and/or posters.
    Environmental Engineering; Environmental Chemistry; Microbiology; Environmental Science
    Research university
    Collaborative: Stanford University, UC Berkeley, Colorado School of Mines, and New Mexico State University
    Stanford, Berkeley, Golden, and Las Cruces
    CA, CO, and NM
    May/June, 2018 (varies by campus)
    July/August, 2018 (varies by campus)
  • Students work in small groups with faculty, leading to papers and conferences presentations. Participants enjoy the many attractions of the Berkshires: hiking, biking, plays, concerts, etc. Weekly lunches, teas, and casual sporting events bring SMALL students together with faculty and other students spending the summer doing research at Williams College.
    Math, Stats
    Williams College
    early February
  • The Computer Science and Engineering Department at Oakland University invites students to apply to its eleventh summer of an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduate students. The students selected to participate will be immersed in a research environment under the mentoring of CSE faculty. This program is a full-time comprehensive educational experience targeted to women and minorities in particular. It should be understood by the students that this position is not merely a summer job, but rather an educational experience where the students are treated as junior colleagues.
    cyber security
    graduate research
    Oakland University
    February 28, 2017
    end of July
  • research with a faculty member at one of the participating institutions
    8 northeast liberal arts institutions
    negotiable (duration of 10 weeks)
    negotiable (duration of 10 weeks)
  • REU research activities deal Information Centric Engineering (ICE) and Digital Manufacturing issues. Research areas deals with creation of Virtual Reality based engineering and simulation environments for a range of process domains (micro assembly, surgical simulation and space systems).
    Information Centric Engineering (ICE) and Digital Manufacturing – Research areas deal with creation of Virtual Reality based engineering and simulation environments for a range of process domains (micro assembly, surgical simulation and space systems).
    Research university
    Oklahoma State University
    Dec 18 2017. For students with physical disabilities, deadline is Jan 30 2018.
    contact for more info
  • This is an international REU experience. Half of the program is located in Vietnam or Thailand (alternating year) and the second half of the program in the USA. There are typically 2 to 4 research projects led by faculty leads. The international component consists of collecting samples and basic skills training. The domestic component consists of data organization, analysis and presentation as well as preparation and delivery of powerpoint presentations and reports. Auxiliary activities include technical writing, research ethics, lab/field safety, and other related workshops and seminars. Past and ongoing projects include studies of; fish genetics and disease; bioactive compounds of traditional/tribal use medicinal plants (and fungi); sampling and analyzing potential biofuels substrates (i.e., bamboo for cellulosic ethanol); and, more.
    Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry
    Research university
    University of Arkansas
    Variable (End of May)
    Variable (End of July)
    Since we are international there are actually more than 40 hrs/wk engagement