Sample Coverletter

Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematics
My University
City, State zipcode
Weekday, Month day, Year

Dr. Ed Etor, Editor
Name of Journal
Street Address
City, State zipcode

Dear Dr. Etor:

Please find enclosed a manuscript entitled: “Title” which I am submitting for exclusive consideration of publication as an article in Name of Journal.

The paper demonstrates [significant finding and its significance]. As such this paper should be of interest to a broad readership including those interested in [what kinds of research, topics, techniques – should be those targeted by the journal].

Knowledgeable referees for this paper might include:

  • Ay Dot Reviewer [what is his/her technical expertise relevant to the paper] (emailforaydot)
  • Bee Dot Reviewer [what is his/her technical expertise relevant to the paper] (emailforbeedot)
  • See Dot Reviewer [what is his/her technical expertise relevant to the paper] (emailforseedot)

Thank you for your consideration of my work! Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at My University and feel free to correspond with me by e-mail (myemailaddress).


Your Name
[list of all files attached such as manuscript, copyright form, etc.]