
One of the lessons you will quickly learn is that to be successful in undergraduate research, you must know much more than a large body of scientific facts. You will need a variety of both technical and non-technical skills including:

  • first-class lab technique to produce accurate and precise measurements worthy of data analysis and interpretation;
  • good team building skills as science today is usually accomplished by teams of experts rather than individual investigators working independently;
  • excellent time management skills to balance the many competing demands for your time including courses, part-time jobs, undergraduate research, and social activities; and
  • strong communications skills – both oral and written – in order to communicate your science clearly and persuasively to your peers, the greater scientific community, and the public.

A vital but often not consciously recognized element of the research process is professionalism. In order to carry out your project and communicate its findings, you must able to manage yourself and to partner effectively with others. In this section, you will find some advice on how to successfully navigate some of the many non-technical challenges you must successfully navigate in order to be an effective researcher.

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